Please note: Some of the content on this page was published prior to the launch of Creative Australia and references the Australia Council. Read more.

Sync Australia Online Leadership Program


Sync Leadership Australia Online Program is a new intensive modular online leadership and coaching program exploring leadership for people with disability and/or who are D/deaf.

The Sync Leadership program was founded over 10 years ago by Sarah Pickthall and Jo Verrent – two leaders with disability in the UK – to develop Deaf and disabled leadership in arts, culture, heritage and media. Sync has been successfully rolled out globally, including in Australia in 2014, 2015 and 2021 via an online format.

Access Arts is delighted to bring the Sync Leadership program back to Australia in 2022.

Taking part in Sync will help you develop new awareness and skills and refresh your confidence to progress your professional arts career.

 “Sync is not about the job you have; it is about your leadership potential and how to harness it.” Sarah Pickthall, Co-Founder, Sync Leadership.

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Eligible applicants must be:

  • a practicing artist, arts worker or producer who identifies as experiencing disability and/or who is D/deaf
  • an artist or arts manager in the arts, culture or media for at least two years
  • an Australian resident
  • available for all program sessions
  • has access to suitable WiFi connection
  • willing to identify publicly as person with disability if they are the winner.

Applications must include:

  • a 100-word biography
  • a high-resolution photograph (portrait orientation)
  • answers to all application questions (in writing or on video)
  • a professional letter of recommendation.

You are welcome to submit your application in a format that is accessible to you, such as audio, video, printed, dictated, electronic or handwritten.

Click here to download the Sync Australia guidelines

Click here to download the Sync Australia application form 

The following selection criteria will be used to assess your application:

  • readiness for the Sync program – being at the right point in your professional career
  • leadership skills and flair that Sync can help you develop
  • your development in the arts and culture: short term and long-term goals
  • personal and professional experience of barriers and how these have been managed or overcome
  • commitment to the six workshops and three one-on-one coaching sessions
  • confirmed availability on all session dates and times.

For your application to be eligible, you must submit your current resume and examples of work.

Current biography (required)

  • 100 words maximum
  • Please outline your artistic background, experience and achievements

Examples of work (required)

You may select any or a combination of the following:

  • online links to documentation (blogs, news articles, other multimedia content)
  • past project proposals and reports
  • links to video files should be between one to ten minutes in .mp3, .mp4, .mov or .wmv formats

Letter of support

  • From an individual or organisation who knows your work and recommends it

Please note that where possible we prefer to receive website links, PDF or Word documents as supporting material. The maximum file size for sending an email to Access Arts is 15MB. If your application exceeds 15MB your application will not be eligible.

  1. Complete your application online at ly/SYNCLeadershipAU-2023 and upload your supporting material OR
  2. Email your completed application form and support material to Please use “SYNC Leadership Australia 2022” in the subject heading.

We encourage you to apply in advance of the closing date to avoid delays caused by unforeseeable technical difficulties.

If you have any questions about eligibility or application, please contact Access Arts on 07 3505 0311 or 0403 070 661 or email

Successful participants will be contacted by phone and email on Friday 28 October 2022.

You will be asked to provide information about your access requirements, so we can make arrangements for you. You will also be provided with a program timetable.

Sync Leadership Australia Online Program is presented by Sync Leadership (UK) and Access Arts, supported by Australia Council for the Arts.

Sync Leadership Australia Online Program is presented by Sync Leadership (UK) and Access Arts, supported by Australia Council for the Arts.